Tuesday, May 5, 2020

My Moment of Glory free essay sample

â€Å"When I was doing theater, I was very successful at believing that I was great, Gods gift to the theater.† I understand how Morgan Freeman felt when he was doing theater. When you are on stage, everything else just fades away. It doesn’t matter if you’re the main lead or just a swaying tree in the background. You feel as if all eyes are on you and you want to give them the best performance of all time. I believe the best part about performing is being someone else for a brief period of time because it can be so challenging and so fun at the same time. If I had to write a short story, film, or play about myself in the past four years, the one moment that my audience would most remember would be my performing on stage during â€Å"Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, â€Å"Cinderella†, or â€Å"Clue† because in those moments that I was being someone else, I felt that everyone saw who I really was. We will write a custom essay sample on My Moment of Glory or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My first musical was during my sophomore year and it was â€Å"Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.† Everyone thought it was terrible. The cast kept on comparing it to last year’s musical â€Å"Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat† – which I wasn’t in. I had no confidence in singing and I felt I had no rhythm, but I saw my best friend Bloo have a lot of fun in it last year and he made me promise to try out next year. During the tryouts, I was told that I had an ability to sing, was able to dance, and should join the top choir: the Goldenaires. As pleased as I was about the news, I told myself to focus on this year and try to get a lead role. I didn’t get one but thinking back, I’m glad I was given a small role and was placed in chorus. In chorus, I learned that there are no small roles, only small actors, something I try to live by in real life. During â€Å"Cinderella†, I was given a bigger role and even more time on stage, something I c herished a lot. My moment happened during â€Å"Clue†, when I landed Professor Plum. I was so excited to finally have a lead role. I thought having a lead would make the experience on show night different but it wasn’t. They were all the same for me. Even when I was in the back, I felt so proud that I could be part of something bigger than myself. When I was a lead, I felt as if I was bringing great honor to the theater. I was another person who could dance and sing all his problems away and I loved it. It’s now my senior year. This year’s musical is â€Å"Thoroughly Modern Millie.† I thought my theater career would only go up but I didn’t land a lead. I missed most dance practices due to Band. Therefore, I’m not in most of the dances. Most people thought I would be so upset and I was a little. I was upset I couldn’t challenge myself more as a lead but I could still be a great chorus member. They say a chain is as strong as its weakest link and I won’t be that link. I believe that this performance, one that I will be nobody in, will be my greatest. I will show that there are no small roles and I will be the biggest actor ever to grace that stage, because I love to perform. I perform every minute of my life and I will not stop. I will be nobody and I will do it with grace because I’m† God’s gift to the theater.†

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