Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to Approach a Teacher With a Concern

Even the best teachers make an occasional mistake. We are not perfect, and most of us will admit our failures. Great teachers will proactively inform  parents immediately when they realize they have made a mistake. Most parents will appreciate the candor in this approach. When a teacher realizes they have made a mistake and decides not to inform the parent, it seems dishonest and will have a negative effect on the parent-teacher relationship. When Your Child Reports an Issue What should you do if your child comes home and tells you they had an issue with a teacher? First of all, do not jump to conclusions. While you want to back your child at all times, it is necessary to realize that there are always two sides to a story. Children will occasionally stretch the truth because they are afraid they will be in trouble. There are also times that they did not accurately interpret the actions of the teacher. In any case, there is a right way and wrong way to address any concerns brought about by what your child had told you. How you confront or approach the issue may be the most crucial aspect of handling a concern with a teacher. If you take a â€Å"guns blazing† approach, the teacher and the administration are likely going to label you a â€Å"difficult parent†. This will lead to increased frustration. School officials will automatically go into defense mode and will be less likely to cooperate. It is imperative that you come in calm and level-headed.   Addressing the Issue With the Teacher How should you address a concern with a teacher? In most cases, you can start with the teacher themselves. However, it is crucial to note that if it involves the breaking of a law inform the principal and file a police report. Set up an appointment to meet with the teacher at a time that is convenient for them. This will typically be before school, after school, or during their planning period. Let them know immediately that you have some concerns and want to hear their side of the story. Provide them with the details that you have been given. Give them an opportunity to explain their side of the situation. There are times where a teacher genuinely does not realize they have made a mistake. Hopefully, this will provide the answers you are seeking. If the teacher is rude, uncooperative, or speaks in vague double talk, it may be time to advance to the next step in the process. In any case, be sure to document the details of your discussion. This will be helpful should the issue remain unresolved. Most issues can be resolved without having to take it to the principal. However, there are certainly times when this is warranted. Most principals will be willing to listen so long as you are civil. They field parent concerns quite often so they are usually adept at handling them.  Be prepared to provide them with as much information as possible. What to Expect Next Understand that they are going to investigate the complaint thoroughly and that it may take them several days before they get back with you. They should provide you with a follow-up call/meeting to discuss the situation further. It is essential to note that they will not be able to discuss the specifics if teacher discipline was warranted. However, there is an excellent chance that the teacher was placed on a plan of improvement.  They should provide details of a resolution as it pertains directly to your child. Again, it is beneficial to document the details of the initial meeting and any follow-up calls/meetings. The good news is that 99% of perceived teacher problems are handled before getting to this point. If you are not satisfied with the way the principal handled the situation, the next step would be to go through a similar process with the superintendent. Only take this step if the teacher and the principal absolutely refuse to cooperate with you in handling the problem. Give them all the details of your situation including the results of your meetings with the teacher and principal. Allow them plenty of time to resolve the issue. If you still believe the situation is unresolved, you may take the complaint to the local board of education. Be sure to follow the district policies and procedures for being placed on the board agenda. You will not be allowed to address the board if you have not. The board expects administrators and teachers to do their jobs. When you do bring a complaint before the board, it can force the superintendent and principal to take the matter more seriously than they had previously. Going before the board is the last opportunity to have your problem resolved. If you still are unsatisfied, you can decide to seek a change of placement. You can look to have your child placed in another classroom, apply for a transfer to another district, or homeschool your child.

Friday, December 20, 2019

United Nations Adoption of the Universal Declaration

The Universal Declaration was adopted by the UN in 1948. Amongst other things, it guarantees free speech, assembly, religion, and the basic necessities of life, like food and housing; it says that everyone has the right to work, to equal and fair pay for equal work, and that all have the right to be free from slavery, torture, and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. The basic premises are that a) people do not have to do or be anything in particular in order to enjoy human rights but that they are extended equally to all people everywhere by virtue of shared humanity; they are in other words rights rather than entitlements; b) the state is responsible for both insuring and defending the rights of all people and peoples within its borders, and c) there is a higher international order that supersedes the national state. The provisions of the Universal Declaration entered into international law in the 1970s when two enabling covenants, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and two Optional Protocols were endorsed by a sufficient number of member states of the United Nations. In the decades since, more than two dozen other human rights treaties have made the protection of certain basic human rights part of evolving standards of international law, even for states which have not formally endorsed them. While it is certainly the case that not all rights covered byShow MoreRelatedEvaluating Ethical Decisions and Defining a Universal Standard of Good1476 Words   |  6 PagesEvaluating Ethical Decisions and Defining a Universal Standard of Good It is difficult to provide a concrete definition for the word â€Å"right.† Right can mean many different things in different situations. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

As evening approaches on the planet Eternia, the Masters of the Universe “ guardians of good “ gathered outside of the Castle Grayskull Essay Example For Students

As evening approaches on the planet Eternia, the Masters of the Universe â€Å" guardians of good â€Å" gathered outside of the Castle Grayskull Essay As evening approaches on the planet Eternia, the Masters of the Universe à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" guardians of good à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" gathered outside of the Castle Grayskull. Their leader He-Man spoke to them from atop a turret of the castle. It is our duty to guard Castle Grayskull, and the secret locked inside, from the evil demon Skeletor! At the very mention of the Dark Lords name, the wind turned cold and black clouds hid the sun. Something is wrong, said Man-at-Arms, uneasily. Yes, Princess Teela agreed, there is something I dont like about this. You may like it even less in a moment, warned Stratos. Look! The Masters of the Universe glanced skyward. Skeletors evil magic had made a terrible storm. A whirlwind ripped Castle Grayskull from its foundation and carried it high into the sky, taking He-Man with it. I have to hold on! said He-Man as he his finger tips struggled for grip at the edge of the castle. But even the strongest man in the universe was no match for the fury of Skeletors storm winds. Crack! The battlement crumbled in He-Mans hand, and Eternias mightiest champion fell towards the ground far bellow. Putting his own safety aside, Stratos à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Prince of the Skies à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" bounded into the air, flapping his mighty wings. Straining against the raging winds, he swooped high and caught He-Man just in time before he hit the ground. But the powerful winds were too strong for Stratos. The extra burden of He-Mans weight made it impossible for him to stay aloft. Both heroes were being sucked into the swirling vortex of the tornado. Leave me, Stratos! He-Man shouted as the storm blew them toward a rocky mountaintop. Save yourself while there is still time! The Sky-Prince shook his head. No, my friend, he said. The Lord of Destruction has not beaten us yet! Then hold tight, He-Man said as he drew his Sword of Power. With one mighty swing he drove the powerful blade into the side of the mountain where it anchored them safely until the raging storm had passed. Carrying He-Man, Stratos flew back to the Masters of the Universe. Teela breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness youre both safe, she said. Skeletor has stolen Castle Grayskull, He-Man replied grimly. None of us are safe now! Meanwhile, at that very moment, far away in his lair deep inside Snake Mountain, Skeletor and his evil ally Beast Man were standing at the edge of a dark, watery pool. The images of the Masters of the Universe were reflected in the pools magical depths. The first part of my enchantment went perfectly, sneered Skeletor. Now we must go to the Land of Shadows to complete the spell! With a wave of Skeletors evil staff, he and Beast Man warped to the Land of Shadows. This was the place Skeletor had chosen to be the new home of Castle Grayskull. The Lord of Destruction raised his arms toward the dark skies. To complete the theft of Castle Grayskull, he chanted an ancient spell. Storm winds howl, and storm winds shriekà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦bring me now, that which I seek! It worked! Beast Man growled, as the Castle landed. Castle Grayskull has been transported to the Land of Shadows! Of course it worked, you fool, the Dark Lord hissed. The Sorceress who lives in the castle and acts as its guardian was out on a mission. I seized the chance to steal the unprotected castle. But my work is not complete. He-Man will come looking for the castle. And when he does, h e will be mine! .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424 , .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424 .postImageUrl , .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424 , .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424:hover , .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424:visited , .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424:active { border:0!important; } .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424:active , .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424 .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u77e7b672db8d069ec3487931504aa424:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ends the poem EssayWhile Skeletor plotted the takeover of Eternia, the Masters of the Universe pondered their next move. I cant believe it, said Teela. Castle Grayskullà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦gone! He-Man drew his Sword of Power and spoke. Never has Eternia faced such danger. We must venture into the dreaded Land of Shadows à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" that region now controlled by Skeletor. At first I did not understand his reason for taking it over. Now I am certain he intends to make it the new home of Castle Grayskull. It is there we must go to find the castle! On Battle Cat, He-Man led the Masters of the Universe into the Land of Shadows à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" a land turned foul with Skel etors evil. Nothing grew here anymore. The once fertile land lay barren. On they pressed, deeper into the darkness. With each step the feeling of dread seemed to grow. Still they kept on searching for Skeletor and the stolen castle. The quest was long, for the Land of Shadows was vast. The Masters of the Universe faced many hardships and covered much ground before they finally found Castle Greyskull. But their biggest challenge still awaited them. Stand fast! He-Man commanded. Beast Man leads a demon army against us! The battle raged fiercely as Beast Man and the foul demons fought the mighty Masters of the Universe. Suddenly the air was split with the boom of thunder and the flash of lightning. Who dares to enter the Land of Shadows? shouted Skeletor from atop Castle Greyskull. You know who we are, He-Man shouted back, and why we are here, Dark Lord! Using his tremendous strength and agility, He-Man leapt atop the castle wallà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦but Skeletor acted quickly. I have Castle Greyskull now, He-Man! the Dark Lord boasted. Soon I will unlock the secret within, and I will be Master of all Eternia! With that, he fired the laser cannon. He-Man ducked the laser. More than once you tried to discovered the secret of Castle Greyskull, said He-Man as he swung his sword of power. And more than once I have stopped you! You cant win, He-Man! I am the Lord of Destruction! And we are the Masters of the Universe à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Defenders of Castle Greyskull! Said He-Man as his Sword of Power clashed with Skeletors staff. Skeletor suddenly lowered his Havoc Staff. Enough, he said. I surrender. Be careful, warned Man-at-Arms. This is some foul trick! No trick, the Dark Lord hissed with an evil laugh. Magic! An energy bolt flew from Skeletors Havoc Staff, heading straight for He-Man. He-Man blocked the mystic bolt with his Sword of Power and turned Skeletors evil magic against him! Engulfed in his own wicked spell, Skeletor vanished in a burst of blinding light as the Masters of the Universe shielded their eyes. With Skeletor gone, his hold over the Land of Shadows was broken. When his spell disappeared, Castle Greyskull faded from sight and returned to its original location. The sun came out and drove the demons away. The trees began to turn green, and the flowers began to bloom. Skeletor will move on, He-Man said. There will be other Shadow Lands. Maybe, Teela responded, but for now, the beauty has returned to this land.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Advice to a Black Schoolgirl free essay sample

The Progressive age lasted from 1890s all the way to the 1920’s. The progressive age is a time of great depression and great hardship. During this time there was a lot of discrimination towards people of different races and low rights for women. There were promises made for the African Americans by the president, those promises were broke. With the writing during the progressive age is very enlightening due to the fact of the matter it is all about the wanting and needing of rights towards women and towards African Americans. Progressive Age is all about getting towards a better life style and becoming equal for everyone. A lot of changes have been made since the progressive age such as greater equality for African Americans and women both, also there is a lot more freedom for everyone. Many of the readings in â€Å"The American Reader: Words That Move a Nation† by Diane Ravitch, Progressive Age segment paints a picture of how life use to be back many years ago. W. E. B. Du Bois wrote a very enlightening letter directed towards an African American girl about furthering her education called â€Å"Advise to a Schoolgirl† (378). This letter can paint a picture of how scared African Americans are because of all of the prejudice towards them. Du Bois born in 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts went on and achieved his Ph. D. AT Harvard after attending Fish University. Ravitch states that Du Bois is â€Å"the most influential black intellectual in the first half of the twentieth century. † He published his most famous book in 1903 called The Souls of Black Folk, which got people’s attention about the big problem in the early twentieth century. Between 1910 and 1934 Du Bois was an editor of The Crisis a magazine from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. On January 7, 1905 Du Bois replies to a letter that he received from a white high school teacher from Berwyn, Pennsylvania. The letter that Du Bois received about a young African American girl, Vernealla, that is extremely smart and has the idea that she is not smart enough to further her education. The thesis statement in the letter is that she will never be as great as she can be if she does not apply herself. With many writings during the Progressive Age it shows the many hardships that were faced during the time. In Advice to a Black Schoolgirl it shows that many African Americans did not have the chance to further their academics by going to college and being a woman during that time made the opportunity even harder. This letter is about a young African American girl that has exponential chance in furthering her schooling and is afraid to take it because of the discrimination during that time. Du Bois tries to tell her that she should take the chance by saying, â€Å"There are in the U. Today tens of thousands of colored girls who would be happy beyond measures to have the chance of educating themselves that you are neglecting. † Which is expressing his frustration that she is refusing to see the chance that many others would give anything to obtain. In the statement â€Å". . . every time a colored person neglects an opportunity, it makes it more difficult for others of the race to get such an opportunity†, he is trying to explain to Vernealla that it is people like her that can help the cause of stopping discrimination and is something that other girls will look up to. If she decides to go against her views and realize that she has the ability to help other girls make the same choice. Other girls will view her as a role model and Du Bois is trying to give her some encouragement to do what most people are afraid to do. WRITING STYLE: Unlike many of Du Bois’s other writings, this a short direct letter to Vernealla. This letter is very informal due to the fact it is directed to one person and not for audience. He does start off with a rhetorical question, â€Å"I wonder if you will let a stranger say a word to you about yourself? † In some ways this letter is directed to her in guilt that she is not taking advantage of the opportunity of furthering her education in ways most African American women cannot. Conclusion: Even though the Progressive age has a lot of different meanings too it, to some people it used to be a time of struggle for society issues and to others it was a time of economic trouble due to classes. With all of those negative issues people still managed to stay positive through it. African Americans were viewed as second class citizens, even though the time of slavery was over racism and inequality was still very prevalent. African Americans were not allowed to use the same bathroom, same water sink, and in some cases they were not even allowed to be patrons at the same restaurant as white people. The Progressive Age is a time that we will see African Americans stick up for what they believe is wrong and should change, also it is a time that they become more than second class citizens. African Americans have come a long way over the years but just like women they did not have many rights. When an African American women has the chance to further her education because multiple people can see her potential really puts a strain on them during this time frame. The fear that white people have intoed on African Americans is shameful. America today with this issue is not the same because African Americans are free to do whatever they please, and unlike the progressive age hold a high position in a job setting, also they attend college.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Gun Control Essays (2266 words) - Gun Politics In The United States

Gun Control Gun Control The idea of gun control and regulation is becoming more and more popular throughout the U.S., although it may still bring up resistance among some people. Guns are sort of a foundation of American culture. This countrys freedom was won over bloody and heroic wars with guns. Guns are portrayed throughout television, movies, and video games. Guns are a popular symbol of power, control, authority, dominance, and can be associated with security and defense. The role guns play in our society is a highly controversial debate. I will support the gun control and regulatory side of this topic as a short-term realistic goal. There are both avid supporters of the 2nd amendment guaranteeing American citizens the right to bear arms, and there are people who strongly disagree with the widespread use and availability of guns to youth and criminals. Those in favor of open gun use are often motivated by the 2nd Amendment, and the right many claim to hunt, protect the home, or for defense against pote ntial militias or government overthrow. The motive behind proponents of gun control on the other hand, is to restrict accessibility to guns to prevent violence and death in our society. My position ultimately, with relevance to our presentations in class, is neither an attempt to persuade or convince anyone to use guns nor to control and restrict them. From here however, let me tell you that guns play a role of non-importance in my life, and therefore I have sought out a reasoning that has led me to favor a world with no guns altogether. This may sound rather idealistic or radical, but it is necessary. Our world is in need of a profound, collective reformation where violence and guns are concerned particularly in the United States. This is my long-term goal of potentiality. Firstly, the extent of gun violence is tremendous, primarily in the U.S. among all other industrial nations. Next to automobile fatality, gun violence is the second leading cause of death by injury in the U.S. I t should become first by the year 2003 unless something is done to prevent it. In the early nineties for example, four states Nevada, Virginia, Louisiana, and Texas had trends of gun injury as the top cause of death. This type of violence it seems is almost as epidemic as AIDS is in causing death. That is a very scary thing to consider. ( The National Center for Health Statistics reports that firearms have taken the lives of 35,957 people in the U.S. in 1995. There is a 21.5% firearm fatality increase since 1985. And, of these fatalities, suicides rank first at 18,503 people; homicides second at 15,835 people; unintentional shootings next at 1,225 people; and 394 were undetermined. ( Now I would like to demystify several arguments used against gun control. The first one assumes that gun control wont stop gun violence or crime. Most criminals get guns through legal means contrary to what the gun lobby says to justify having a huge availability of guns. This i s proven by the Criminal Justice Research Center. They apparently surveyed that only 27% of adult inmates and 43% of juveniles have bought handguns illegally on the black market. On the other hand, of these inmates, 69% of adults and 55% of juveniles obtained guns through means like retail, gun shops, private owners, friends or family. This confirms that most guns are gotten legally through controlled methods. ( Also, the FBI has received reports of a median number of about 274,000 guns stolen yearly from 85 to 94. This points out that the guns sold by owners and dealers are a risk to us and can be regulated to lower crime, murder, suicide, and other fatalities. ( Is owning a gun really a constitutional right? The 2nd amendment of the constitution says: A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The Supreme Court made clear in its 1939 case decision of U.S. v s. Miller, that the 2nd Amendment doesnt protect possession of a firearm unless there exists some type of reasonable relationship in preserving

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on A Perfect Day For Bananafish

Symbolism in J.D. Salinger’s â€Å"A Perfect Day for Bananafish† Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger is an entertaining view of the negative and positive aspects of human nature. The nine short stories depict the lives of the Glass family, a family created by Salinger (Salinger). The members of this clan represent the different classes of society as Salinger saw them. Even though the stories and characters carry harsh moral lessons, they are quite intriguing and skillfully written. J.D. Salinger illustrates symbolism in â€Å"A Perfect Day for Bananafish† by the personalities of the characters and the bananafish parable in the story. Salinger introduces Seymour Glass on the last day of his life (Westbrook). He is on the beach talking to his new six-year-old friend, Sybil Carpenter. She affectionately calls him â€Å"see more glass.† While they are playing, he asks her if she would like to catch a bananafish. She questions him and he tells her the following parable: They lead a very tragic life†¦ they swim into a hole where there’s a lot of bananas. They’re very ordinary-looking fish when they swim in. But once they get in they behave like pigs†¦Naturally, after that they’re so fat they can’t get out of the hole again. Can’t fit through the door. They get banana fever and they die†¦(Salinger 16). In the bananafish parable, the bananas represent the mushy, bland temptations of a materialistic society. A bananafish imprisons itself in a banana hole, and while enjoying these simple pleasures, he gives up his freedom. Banana fever is the disease of an overly materialistic society. Seymour, according to this view, is himself a bananafish, and his suicide is seen as despair over his own banana fever (Belcher). Salinger typically focuses on the conflict between an innocent, childlike character, and the vulgar adult world. The typical Salinger hero is more preoccupied with spiritual realities than with the significance o... Free Essays on A Perfect Day For Bananafish Free Essays on A Perfect Day For Bananafish Symbolism in J.D. Salinger’s â€Å"A Perfect Day for Bananafish† Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger is an entertaining view of the negative and positive aspects of human nature. The nine short stories depict the lives of the Glass family, a family created by Salinger (Salinger). The members of this clan represent the different classes of society as Salinger saw them. Even though the stories and characters carry harsh moral lessons, they are quite intriguing and skillfully written. J.D. Salinger illustrates symbolism in â€Å"A Perfect Day for Bananafish† by the personalities of the characters and the bananafish parable in the story. Salinger introduces Seymour Glass on the last day of his life (Westbrook). He is on the beach talking to his new six-year-old friend, Sybil Carpenter. She affectionately calls him â€Å"see more glass.† While they are playing, he asks her if she would like to catch a bananafish. She questions him and he tells her the following parable: They lead a very tragic life†¦ they swim into a hole where there’s a lot of bananas. They’re very ordinary-looking fish when they swim in. But once they get in they behave like pigs†¦Naturally, after that they’re so fat they can’t get out of the hole again. Can’t fit through the door. They get banana fever and they die†¦(Salinger 16). In the bananafish parable, the bananas represent the mushy, bland temptations of a materialistic society. A bananafish imprisons itself in a banana hole, and while enjoying these simple pleasures, he gives up his freedom. Banana fever is the disease of an overly materialistic society. Seymour, according to this view, is himself a bananafish, and his suicide is seen as despair over his own banana fever (Belcher). Salinger typically focuses on the conflict between an innocent, childlike character, and the vulgar adult world. The typical Salinger hero is more preoccupied with spiritual realities than with the significance o...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CIS256 Final Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CIS256 Final Project - Essay Example First, you need to verify if the problem is caused by the network or corruption of the AD (Rommel, 2008). It is followed performing a recovery for the directory restore thus choosing either authoritative or none. Testing then covers replication and proper functionality of domain controller. There is the development of a lag site for replication in case there is a deletion of objects in large numbers. The aim is to keep a backup of the active directory especially at location 2. You then engage the authoritative restore. Location three will involve creating a print queue to server printers that are standalone. The list generated by the Administrator should direct the users to a print queue on the network that will allow the job to pass through even when the printer is not support by the user’s workstation. Location four will establish a redundancy for the AD to carry forth replication despite the failure of domain controllers. The step is to allow for the most minimal downtime period or none especially when relating to the failure of the software or hardware in use. The administrator also uses the group policy to address alterations to passwords, security and the respective policy as well as settings for configuration when it is critical. Other recovery and continuity plans involve having redundancies for every role in at least one other location to cater for damages caused by natural disasters. Having multiple tapes and performing network diagnostics after a short interval of time guarantees easy detection of a